Assistant Professor in Psychology , Harvard Medical School (
Location: United States
Dr. Pedrelli is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and an Assistant in Psychology at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Pedrelli received a B.A and a M.A. in Psychology from the University of Bologna, earned a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology from the Joint Doctoral Program at University of California San Diego and San Diego State University, and she completed her clinical internship at the University of Washington School of Medicine.
Her program of research focuses on investigating the etiology, assessment, and treatment of comorbid Mood Disorders in conjunction with Alcohol Use Disorders. She is also interested in the use of technology for the delivery of psychosocial interventions. She has been awarded funding from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the ABMRF/The Foundation for Alcohol Research and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to support her research program. She is the Principal Investigator of studies in college students, one examining the effectiveness of a novel psychosocial intervention for heavy drinking and depressive symptoms and one examining emotion regulation and reward processes models that may explain binge drinking. She has published extensively on the co-occurrence of depressive symptoms and substances use among college students.
She has been actively involved at a local and national level in disseminating awareness of the negative consequences of the co-occurrence of depressive symptoms and hazardous drinking among college students by presenting at national conferences and conducting in service presentations in college campuses.
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